Jeremy Luterbacher wins ACS Lectureship Award

Jeremy Luterbacher (credit: EPFL)
EPFL Professor Jeremy Luterbacher has been awarded one of the 2021 Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship Awards from the American Chemical Society (ACS).
The ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship Awards “recognize the research contributions of scientists working in green chemistry, green engineering, and sustainability in the chemical enterprise,”. The winners are selected each year from three regions: The Americas, Europe/Middle East/Africa, and Asia/Pacific.
Representing Europe/Middle East/Africa, Professor Jeremy Luterbacher, head of EPFL’s Laboratory of Sustainable and Catalytic Processing at EPFL’s School of Basic Sciences, has won one of the three 2021 Award. Luterbacher is being honored “for the development of tailored catalysts to upgrade lignin and the application of unique functionalization chemistry during biomass depolymerization.”