James Bourely wins 2024 EDMI Thesis Award
The Commission of the Doctoral Program in Microsystems and Microelectronics (EDMI) has selected James Bourely to receive the 2024 Doctoral Thesis Award in Microsystems and Microelectronics.
James Bourely was selected for his outstanding thesis, "Biodegradable and printed chipless environmental sensors for sustainable Internet-of-Things applications", which was supervised by Danick Briand in the Soft Transducers Laboratory (LMTS) in the School of Engineering (STI).
This annual prize, awarded for the first time in 2022, is given to the author of the most outstanding PhD thesis in the field of Microsystems & Microelectronics, and constitutes the EDMI’s highest recognition. The award consists of a certificate and of a CHF 3,000 prize, jointly funded by the Institute of Electrical and Micro Engineering (IEM) and by STI.
Biodegradable and printed chipless environmental sensors for sustainable Internet-of-Things applications. https://infoscience.epfl.ch/entities/publication/f82f929f-7824-4c98-8c2f-719db8a0a0c3