Jakob Zweifel and the Master Planning of EPFL Now Online

"Conception du projet de l'EPFL" / dir. Robert Bamert ; J. Zweifel, 1976 © Archives de la construction moderne - EPFL, Fonds J. Zweifel
The key documents from the Jakob Zweifel Colelction regarding the planning of the EPFL campus are now accessible online via MorphéPlus.
The online portal of the Archives de la construction moderne, MorphéPlus, has been enriched with new content. A selection of documents from the Jakob Zweifel Colelction is now available online and open to the public. This collection pertains to the project by the firm Zweifel + Strickler + Associates, winners of the competition for the development of the Dorigny site of EPFL. Initiated in 1971, this project was based on a master planning strategy that established a structured framework for the campus's progressive expansion, harmoniously integrating architectural, organizational, and environmental aspects. This systematic approach, based on a grid organization, aimed to facilitate the integration of new constructions within the existing complex, ensuring coherent and sustainable infrastructure development. These documents are thus essential for understanding the planning and development of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) campus.

Students, teachers, and researchers at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), as well as the general public, can also consult the entire Zweifel collection on-site at the Archives de la construction moderne through the online reservation platform.
Archives de la construction moderne - EPFL. Fonds Jakob Zweifek. 0054(A2) - Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 1962-1997.