Invited Talk at IEEE Nano 2015 in Rome

© 2015 EPFL
Prof. Villanueva has given an invited talk at the international conference IEEE Nano 2015 in Rome with title: "NEMS Oscillators – Main challenges and workarounds".
Miniaturization has been the main motor driving the development of integrated circuits for more than 60 years. This has allowed an unprecedented (exponential) improvement in most IT-related systems, devices and services. However, when we look into oscillators, we can see that this tendency has not been maintained. Quartz remains the dominant technology after almost a century.
The talk will cover the reasons for this hindered miniaturization of mechanical resonators going to the limit of NanoElectroMechanical Systems (NEMS), focusing on the main challenges and workarounds, like the use of nonlinearity, synchronization or parametric feedback.