Introducing: MANIS
We are glad to introduce Manis, an open source, collaborative design tool for timber plate structures with wood-wood connections.
Manis is a collaborative design tool for timber plate structures with wood-wood connections. This open source grasshopper plugin, developed by Nicolas Rogeau, Ph.D. student at the Laboratory for Timber Constructions IBOIS, EPFL and NCCR Digital Fabrication, allows the user to generate joint geometries, fabrication toolpath, and robot trajectories. The solver enables users to specify modular assembly sequences, and accordingly compute compatible vectors of insertion for each module.
Furthermore, Manis includes a numerical simulation component, developed by Aryan Rezaei Rad, Ph.D., for the structural analysis of such construction systems. The algorithm is based on COMPAS – an open-source framework developed at the Block Research Group, ETH Zurich and NCCR Digital Fabrication – for streamlined data post-processing, visualization, and Finite Element Analysis.
NCCR Digital Fabrication