Interview with Prof. Laloui in Le Temps

Des ouvriers travaillent sur le chantier de la plateforme de forage d’un projet de géothermie hydrothermale le mardi 17 août 2021 à Lavey-les-bains © KEYSTONE/Jean-Christophe Bott 2021 EPFL
The canton of Geneva is launching a campaign to map its subsoil for geothermal exploitation. In this context, Prof. Lyesse Laloui is interviewed by Le Temps to shed light on some of the most interesting aspects of this subject.
The exploitation of geo-energies can take different forms. Yet according to Prof. Laloui, their potential is still largely under-exploited in Switzerland. He estimates that the 11% geothermal energy to heat or cool buildings targeted for 2035, could actually be doubled. Prof. Laloui thus explains the basics of geothermal energy, detailing its different forms, implementation, performance, interests, costs and finally risks. Do not miss this condensed interview, available on the website of Le Temps, available on the following link.