Innosuisse projects social charges - Ineligible part

© 2024 EPFL

© 2024 EPFL

Employer social charges will not be fully re-imburced by Innosuisse any more. For questions related to the negative balance of the fund PIs may contact their school's RFF.

As of January 2023, Innosuisse does not cover the total amount of the social charges by employer. This change also applies to the projects granted before 2023, for which the financial reports have been prepared as of January 1st, 2023.

The ineligible parts of the social charges for Innosuisse include “Employer’s contributions to family allowances”, and “employer’s contribution to AVS administrative costs”. These ineligible costs need to be compensated by the laboratory involved in the project.

For questions related to the negative balance of the fund due to these ineligible costs PIs may contact the financial responsible (RFF) of their school.