Infoscience: new platform, new features

© CC-BY-NC-SA EPFL Library
A new version of Infoscience was deployed on July 22, 2024, marking a major milestone in the evolution of EPFL’s institutional platform. True to its new slogan, "Unlocking Knowledge," Infoscience aims to support Open Science, in particular EPFL's Open Access policy through self-archiving (green route). The new interface enhances the visibility and accessibility of EPFL authors’ works and publications, thus facilitating the wide dissemination of the institution’s knowledge and research.
Launched in 2004, Infoscience is the reference source for reporting and disseminating scientific publications and research results produced at EPFL, with nearly 180,000 publications and works listed. Worth noting, it includes all 10,300 doctoral theses defended at EPFL to date. Currently, 33% of its content is in Open Access, making a significant portion of the research accessible to all, in line with the institution’s Open Science Initiative.
The evolution towards a next-generation tool and the deployment of the new interface required several months of intensive work, including the migration of all existing data. This strategic project was carried by the EPFL Library (SISB), in close partnership with the Information Systems Directorate (DSI), and with the technical support of the external provider 4Science.
A much improved platform
The new platform features numerous improvements and functionalities. It allows to display research results, researchers' profiles, and information on laboratories and research units in a comprehensive and interconnected manner, thus enhancing the visibility of EPFL’s academic output through compliance to international standards and improved interoperability.
For the benefit of EPFL community, an intentional effort was made to simplify and optimize both deposit and import processes. Other key improvements include: the integration of data sources such as Scopus and arXiv, the ability to link one's Infoscience profile with an ORCID profile, and the import of publications via a BibTeX file. The new user dashboard allows every contributor to monitor his/her deposits. Access to enhanced statistics and bibliometric indicators promote an in-depth analysis of research impact.
To facilitate the transition and adoption of the new Infoscience, a dedicated web page and online help are available to users. Adjustments and additional features will be progressively deployed over the coming months. The updates will be announced regularly via the platform.
The Library Infoscience team is available for any questions or suggestions at: [email protected].