IEA EBC ANNEX 87 kick-off meeting in Denmark

Annex 87 Expert meeting © J. Cho 2023

Annex 87 Expert meeting © J. Cho 2023

The first expert meeting of ANNEX 87 took place at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) on 17-18 October 2022. As it was held in a hybrid mode, there were many online participants, but Dolaana Khovalyg and Ryan Liao from EPFL attended it in person.

IEA Energy in Buildings and Communities Technology Collaboration Programme "ANNEX 87: Energy and Indoor Environmental Quality Performance of Personalised Environmental Control Systems" launched at the beginning of 2022. The objective of this collaborative international 4-year-long project is to establish design criteria and operation guidelines for personalized environmental control systems (PECS) and to quantify the benefits regarding health, comfort, and energy performance. This also includes control concepts and guidelines for operating PECS in spaces with general ambient systems for heating, cooling, ventilation, and lighting.

The ICE lab will contribute to ANNEX 87 through its fundamental and applied research on thermal conditioning people rather than spaces, expansion of indoor temperature setpoints when PECS are in use to simultaneously reduce operational energy, providing targeted heating/cooling, and improving individuals’ well-being. Moreover, Prof. Khovalyg will co-lead Subtask A: Fundamentals focusing on defining the requirements of PECS in terms of localized and background Indoor Environmental Quality and outlining the basic low-energy functional criteria for PECS.