Horizon 2020 - European Framework Programme for Research & Innovation
New funding opportunities within the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation – Horizon 2020.
H2020 has been launched on December 11 and runs from 2014 to 2020 with a budget of €79 billion. The programme aims to secure Europe’s global competitiveness. To do so, the EU Commission has identified the major problems which need to be solved. These problems will be translated into several challenges published in open calls in the framework programme. Within this challenge-based approach, researchers are asked to provide, together with an international consortium of experts, the best solution to the identified problems. H2020 is structured around three pillars:
i) Excellent Science - support to the best ideas and support to attract to Europe the world’s best researchers (in particular ERC and Marie-Curie)
ii) Industrial Leadership – support to innovative SMEs and key industrial technologies
iii) Social Challenges – support for innovative research addressing several of Europe’s major concerns, such as aging, personalised health care, climate changes etc.
The Research Office team is at the service of the scientific community of EPFL for all questions related to this new funding opportunity.
More information can be found on the dedicated web-page: http://research-office.epfl.ch/horizon2020.