High-schools students visit the school of life science

© 2016 EPFL- L.Mauro

© 2016 EPFL- L.Mauro

Thursday 1 and Friday 2 December was the “Discover EPFL” event organised for them every year by the EPFL Study promotion’s office. All Swiss higher education institutions organise these days to help the high-school students choose their future university studies after the baccalaureate. About 200 high-school students from the whole Switzerland (and beyond) chose to discover the EPFL School of Life Sciences.

After a first day dedicated to the public lectures about the different Bachelor cursus available at EPFL, which took place for the first time at the STCC, the high-school students dedicated the second day of their visit to the discovery of our school. They spent the morning in our laboratories, divided in small groups and coached by PhD students and senior researchers, who let them discover the research they do from the inside. In the afternoon they assisted to short presentations about doing research in our four institutes, and could ask many questions about the research and studies opportunities at the SV school, and also about the possible careers after the studies.

Some of them will decide to study the life sciences, others will take other paths, but surely all of them will recall these unique days forever. Our teaching section (STV) was the most visited of the whole campus! The organiser wishes to thank warmly the many people who participated with enthusiasm and were essential to the full success of these two days. The next prospective students information days will take place in November 2017: mark your calendars!