High Power Density Magnetic-Less DC–DC Converters
Our work on “Ultra-High Power Density Magnetic-Less dc–dc Converter Using GaN Transistors,” presented by Dr. Georgios Kampitsis at APEC 2019 was featured at the IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE
The very last paper of the conference showed a strong argument for completely eliminating magnetics from the product. The work, “Ultra-High Power Density Magnetic-Less dc–dc Converter Using GaN Transistors,” was presented by Dr. Georgios Kampitsis of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. The device was certainly quite compact (Figure 6), and the claimed efficiency was excellent. The major drawback was a very high device count. Partially offsetting this was the fact that each device processes only a small portion of the total power. The economic viability of the proposed design is far from clear, but, if compactness and efficiency are at a premium, this converter in some cases may be worthy of serious consideration.
Swiss Office of Energy Grant No. SI501568-01and European Research Council (ERC) through the European Union’s H2020 program/ERC grant under Agreement 679425.
G Kampitsis, R van Erp, E Matioli, Ultra-High Power Density Magnetic-less DC/DC Converter Utilizing GaN Transistors, 2019 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 1609-1615