Hatice Altug Elected Fellow of The Optical Society

Hatice Altug © 2020 EPFL
Professor Hatice Altug, head of the BIOnanophotonic Systems Laboratory (BIOS) at the EPFL's Institute of Bioengineering (School of Engineering), has been elected Fellow Member of The Optical Society (OSA) at the Society’s recent Board of Directors meeting.
Hatice Altug is being honored specifically "for pioneering contributions to nano-optics, manipulation of light on-chip, the development of innovative nanobiosensors and sensing techniques, and exemplary contributions to the scientific community and OSA", notes the OSA press release.
Fellow membership in OSA is limited to no more than ten percent of the membership and is reserved for members who have served with distinction in the advancement of optics and photonics. The election process is highly competitive. Candidates are recommended by the Fellow Members Committee and then submitted for review and approval by the OSA Awards Council and OSA Board of Directors.
Founded in 1916, OSA is the leading professional association in optics and photonics, home to accomplished science, engineering, and business leaders from all over the world. Through world-renowned publications, meetings, and membership programs, OSA provides quality information and inspiring interactions and dedicated resources for its extensive global network of optics and photonics experts that power achievements in the science of light.
(article adapted from STI News item published on Oct. 9, 2020)