Graphic Statics: shared tools for Chinese architects and engineers?

© 2017 Architectural Journal, China

© 2017 Architectural Journal, China

Architectural Journal - China - #590 - November 2017 - pp.20-25

A recent paper authored by Corentin Fivet and translated in Chinese by Meng Xianchuan (Nanjing University) reviews how digital graphic statics can contribute to the cooperation between architecture and structural design. The paper entitled "Digital Graphic Statics – Shared Design Tools for Architects and Engineers" (数字化图解静力学设计方法 — 建筑师和结构工程师共享的设计工具) is published in a special issue of the Architectural Journal, the largest journal in China on research and practice in architecture.

The special issue deals with building performance achieved through the integration of structural and architectural design. Other contributors to the special issue include Yuan Feng and Xie Yimin (Tongji University), the Block Research Group (ETHZ), and Patrick Schumacher (Zaha Hadid Architects).

The English version of the Chinese paper is available on Infoscience.