Global Essay Competition - St. Gallen Symposium

Compete in the Global Essay Competition and get invited to the 52nd St. Gallen Symposium as a Leader of Tomorrow!
Submission deadline: 1 February 2023
The top 100 essay writers qualify for an all-expenses covered participation at the 52nd St. Gallen Symposium, which takes place from 4-5 May 2023.
This is a unique opportunity to meet over 600 world leaders in different fields, such as the Latvian President, Egils Levits, the CEO of Hugo Boss, Daniel Grieder as well as the co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Movement, Ayo Tometi and many more.
In addition, the three best participants in the essay competition will have the chance to present their ideas to a distinguished audience and share the grand prize of CHF 20,000.
The St. Gallen Symposium is the world's leading initiative for cross-generational debates on economic, political and social developments - an initiative run by students. The goal is simple: to turn ideas into action. This is achieved by bringing together key decision-makers from business and politics with the brightest young minds of our generation to discuss current issues. Attending that conference proved to be a turning point in the careers of bright young minds. The thoughts of current decision-makers have been challenged, start-ups have been born and ideas have been turned into action.
This year, the St. Gallen Symposium will be held under the topic “A New Generational Contract”. To qualify as a Leader of Tomorrow, graduate and post-graduate students under the age of 30 are asked to answer the following question:
The best or worst legacy from previous generations: How to preserve or replace it?
Submission deadline is 1 February 2023.
You can find more information on the competition, the conference, and topic on this website or send an e-mail to this address.