Gabriel Cuomo receives the CHIPP Prize 2021

The Italian physicist and former IPHYS Ph.D. student, who is presently pursuing his research activity in the U.S.A., received the Doctoral Students Award of the Swiss Institute of Particle Physics (CHIPP). The prize was awarded at the beginning of September in Innsbruck on the occasion of the annual meeting of the Swiss Physical Society (SPS).

The CHIPP Prize rewards annually the best Ph.D. student in Experimental or Theoretical Particle Physics. This year, the jury honored Gabriel Cuomo “for his outstanding theoretical studies of quantum field theories in the strongly coupled regime, which elucidated new properties relevant to a variety of physical systems: from condensed matter to cosmology.”

During his thesis at EPFL, he worked under the supervision of Prof. Riccardo Rattazzi at the Theoretical Particle Physics Laboratory. “One of the goals of my doctoral work was to identify issues at the border of the quantum mechanical world that can be solved with a classical or semiclassical description," he said in an interview with CHIPP. He is currently a postdoctoral research assistant at Stony Brook University in New York and he is working on new problems in theoretical physics.

We wish him great success in his career!