Funded Joint Initiatives by ETH Domain

© 2022 EPFL
Out of the ten approved proposals, EPFL is involved in eight Joint Initiatives; more specifically in two initiatives as a leading house (both addressing the Strategic Area of Energy, Climate and Environmental Sustainability) and in six projects as a partnering institution (four projects focusing on Energy, Climate and Environmental Sustainability and two on Engagement and Dialogue with Society Strategic Areas).
The first call for Joint Initiatives in the Strategic Areas of Energy, Climate and Environmental Sustainability and Engagement and Dialogue with Society was open opened for full proposals in Spring 2022. At its meeting on 13 July 2022, the ETH Board approved ten Joint Initiatives for co-funding.
EPFL participation in Strategic Area of Energy, Climate and Environmental Sustainability funded Initiatives:
- Proteins for a Sustainable Future;
Participating ETH Domain institutions: ETH Zürich, EPFL, Empa
- Scaling Up in Wood Construction
Participating ETH Domain institutions: ETH Zürich, EPFL, Empa, WSL
- Sustainable Pathways of Environmental and Energy Development towards Net Zero Switzerland (SPEED2ZERO)
Participating ETH Domain institutions: ETH Zürich, EPFL, Eawag, Empa, PSI, WSL
- Swiss Center of Excellence on Net-Zero Emissions (SCENE)
Participating ETH Domain institutions: ETH Zürich, EPFL, Eawag, Empa, PSI, WSL
- Reactive nitrogen at the CLimate, Energy, Agriculture, water, and health Nexus (ReCLEAN)
Participating ETH Domain institutions: ETH Zürich, EPFL, Eawag, PSI, WSL
Leading house EPFL: Prof. Dr. Athanasios Nenes
- An urban digital twin for climate action: Assessing policies and solutions for energy, water and infrastructure (UrbanTwin)
Participating ETH Domain institutions: ETH Zürich, EPFL, Eawag, Empa, WSL
Leading house EPFL: Prof David Atienza
EPFL participation in Strategic Area of Engagement and Dialogue with Society funded Initiatives:
- Engage - Evidence-based dialogue on trade-offs in wicked societal problems
Participating ETH Domain institutions: ETH Zürich, EPFL, Eawag, Empa, WSL
- Engage Everyone with Energy - the TOpic of TOday (E3TOTO)
Participating ETH Domain institutions: ETH Zürich, EPFL, Empa, PSI