From sustainable architecture to integrated design

The book "Architecture and Sustainability : critical perspectives for integrated design. Generating sustainability concepts from architectural perspectives" has just been published by ACCO. Led by Ahmed Z. Khan of the Free University of Brussels (ULB) and Karen Allacker of the University of Leuven (KUL), the book gathers an international range of researchers and presents the main issues on sustainable architecture. The Scientific Committee of experts invited to contribute to this reference work especially includes Prof. Emmanuel Rey of the Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies (LAST).

If the concept of sustainable architecture is increasingly used in practice, the exact outlines of its specific characteristics are not necessarily established at a theoretical level. A consensus, which considers sustainability in architecture as an integrating framework of multiple dimensions and as a constellation generating a diversity of ideas, rather emerges. Therefore, this evolution today privileges the conceptual analyze of approaches deliberately enrolling in a pluralistic perspective rather than trying to establish a permanently fixed universal definition.

In that context, the contribution of Prof. Emmanuel Rey focuses on sustainability integration approaches to architectural design main parameters. Based on practical experiences and results of recent research within the LAST, his analysis particularly emphasizes on interdisciplinary optimization research and on the notion of consistency between the different scales of intervention.