From cold atoms to quantum simulators

© 2016 EPFL

© 2016 EPFL

We are very pleased to announce and cordially invite you to our monthly EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) 'Pizza-optics-beer' (POB) seminar on June 1st, 2016 (Wednesday) at 18h15 (6.15pm). The seminar will take place in the room CM1100. This month we will have the pleasure to host Jean-Philippe Brantut, from the Quantum Optics Group at ETHZ. Jean-Philippe has been recently appointed as a physics professor at EPFL, where is going to establish a new program on quantum gases of cold atoms. His presentation is entitled: “From cold atoms to quantum simulators”.


Over the last decade, the level of control over cold atomic gases has improved, from the first observations of Bose-Einstein condensation, to the point that atoms can now be used to simulate the behaviour of electrons in realistic materials. I will present the progresses that we accomplished in the last years in measuring the transport properties of quantum gases. I will in particular present the first observation of quantized conductance for neutral particles. I will then discuss some recent measurements where interactions between the particles play a strong role. These results open perspectives for atomic physicists to address some long standing questions of condensed matter physics.