Free the birds of the Rolex Learning Center

2023 EPFL/ Unknown-EPFL Librairy- CC-BY-SA 4.0

2023 EPFL/ Unknown-EPFL Librairy- CC-BY-SA 4.0

Animal welfare: a specific action is planned on Thursday, February 16, 2023 to catch and free the birds that have made their home in the Rolex Learning Center.

The title may give rise to smiles; but this is a serious matter. Just walk around the Rolex Learning Center for a few minutes and you will notice that there are birds in the building. These sparrows enter through the automatic doors, or through the windows when the building is ventilated, and then get stuck in the building. If some birds manage to find a way out, others get trapped inside the building. This situation has been reported several times by users of the Rolex Learning Center. In order to resolve it, a specialized company accredited by the EPFL will have the mission of catching the birds in the building on Thursday, February 16. The birds will be protected throughout the process. The birds will finally be released in a green area appropriate to their development.

Preventing the settlement of new birds
Solutions are currently being considered to prevent the settlement of new birds in the building. Until these solutions are implemented, the Library staff reminds you not to feed or water the birds. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Source: EPFL

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