Former LQM PhD student Alex Kruchkov receives Branco Weiss Fellowship

© 2020 EPFL

© 2020 EPFL

"We have spent too long trying to comprehend black holes with theory. It's time to move to the lab." says Alex, who performed his PhD in LQM developing theories for magnetic skyrmions. After graduation, he obtained a postgraduate fellowship to go to Harvard. We are happy to welcome him back to Switzerland as recipient of the prestigious Branco Weiss Fellowhsip at University of Geneva.

As a Branco Weiss Fellow, Dr. Alexander Kruchkov will work towards creating replicant black holes in quantum materials. By using his experience in low-dimensional quantum materials and training in experimental condensed matter, Dr. Kruchkov works towards simulating properties of black holes event horizons, projected on two-dimensional strongly interacting quantum matter.