Fitting better to your schedule: enlarged loan services



Since March 4, the EPFL Library has enhanced its document delivery services by extending document pick up and object borrowing hours.

Extended schedule of 108 hours per week (vs 60 previously)
Gone were the days when you had to rush to the Rolex Learning Center before 8pm to pick up reserved books, wait all weekend to collect a document from the swisscovery network, or borrow a video game console.

New pick up hours:
7 days a week, from 8am to 11.45pm (from 9am on weekends)

You can borrow documents at the Library loan terminals during the Rolex Learning Center opening hours, which are 7 days a week, from 7am to midnight.

An easiest way to borrow even more items
It is also possible to borrow objects and material from the desk during the new pick-up hours. Borrowable items include:

  • video game consoles
  • new noise-cancelling headphones
  • flipchart kits
  • printing cards
  • small equipments (power strips, extension leads, adapters, etc.).

To borrow these items, it's only necessary to be registered at the Library. Online registration is free and open to all.

It’s a real revolution. Thanks to the increased skills of our student assistants, we've almost doubled the availability of these services.

Gaël Revelin, head of the team in charge of information and user assistance

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected].

Source: Library

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