Finalist EPFL doctorate Award 2010 - Korada Satish Babu

© 2010 EPFL

© 2010 EPFL

Korada Satish Babu's scientific work is (according to the opinion of the jury) ranking among the best 3 % PhD theses awarded by EPFL in 2009. Thesis EPFL, no 4461 (2009). Dirs.: Prof. R. Urbanke and Prof. N. Macris.

Polar codes for channel and source coding.

New smart devices have fundamentally changed the way we use our mobile phones. Apart from making calls, we use them for streaming multimedia and surfing the internet. As a result, our demand for bandwidth is ever increasing. In order to satisfy this demand we need communication and compression schemes that are bandwidth efficient and which can be implemented on a device with limited computational resources.

We provide a novel approach to this problem based on the recently introduced concept of "polarization" by E. Arikan. Using polarization ideas, we construct low-complexity schemes for lossy compression.
These schemes are shown to be information theoretic optimal and thus provide the first low-complexity solutions that provably achieve Shannon's predictions. We also generalize the idea of polarization to improve the performance of the existing schemes.