"Every experience counts and your network is key"

Carine Delattre. Credit: EPFL-SV

Carine Delattre. Credit: EPFL-SV

Celebrating 20 years of the School of Life Sciences and the School of Computer and Communication Sciences, we talk to alumni about their career paths, memories of EPFL, and ask their advice to current students in a video series called “Where are they now?”

Today we meet Carine Delattre, who is now Director of Value Access & Pricing at Incyte, a global biopharmaceutical company. Carine was part of the very first cohort of students to obtain a Master in Life Sciences and Technologies at EPFL in 2008. She continued her education with a PhD in the Laboratory of Systems Biology and Genetics at the School of Life Sciences. She looks back at EPFL having enjoyed relevant research, learned analytical and problem-solving skills, and worked with cross functional teams.

Visit EPFL's YouTube channel each week and be inspired by the careers and achievements of former EPFL computer science and life science students.

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