EPFL sets an example in terms of equal pay

© 2022 EPFL
An analysis of salaries between men and women shows that they are equal, to within 0.1%.
An analysis of equal pay at EPFL reveals that the pay gap between men and women does not exceed 0.1%. Within the EPF domain this is the best result, given that the gap in the institutions does not exceed 2% in favor of men and 1.4% in favor of women.
The revised Gender Equality Act (GEA) came into force on 1 July 2020. Since then, employers with more than 100 employees have been required to conduct an equal pay analysis, have it verified by an independent body and inform the employees of the result. The ETH Domain voluntarily conducted equal pay analyses even before they became a legal obligation, and these have always confirmed that women and men receive equal pay in the ETH Domain.
Under the 5% tolerance level
In 2020, PwC carried out an equal pay analysis for the institutions of the ETH Domain using the scientifically and legally endorsed EQUAL-SALARY method. The analysis was checked by BDO AG in 2021. At the different institutions, the pay gap between men and women varied from 2.0% in favour of men to 1.4% in favour of women: ETH Zurich: -1.2%, EPFL: -0.1%, PSI: -2.0%, WSL: -1.2%, Empa: -1.2%, Eawag: +1.4%. All these figures are well within the tolerance level of 5% set by the Confederation.