EPFL parking lots for all bachelor and master students

© 2012 EPFL

© 2012 EPFL

As from the beginning of the 2012-2013 academic year, access to EPFL parking lots for all bachelor and master students will be limited.

- A quota of 200 parking spaces will be allocated to bachelor and master students residing in areas that are particularly underserved by public transport (PT) and who commute every day during term time.

- This area is defined by a commute time to the campus of over 30 minutes in PT (As verified on the basis of the student's contact address that must match the address in the vehicle's licence or in a proof of residency. Either one of these two documents will be required to collect the parking tag). Various criteria (time saved between commute by car and by PT, number of changes) will be weighted to determine whether an authorization is to be granted. In case of equal ratings, authorization will be granted according to chronological order of requests.

- Priority will be given to students who can justify reduced mobility, family or critical employment responsibilities.

- Registration is to be completed online between August 6 and August 31 on the new http://parking.epfl.ch website (under construction, available on August 6 2012).

- Launch of a unique parking tag per semester for Fr. 75 (no more monthly or daily tags).

Furthermore, a stricter surveillance policy will be applied for all users and those on EPFL parking lots, in particular regarding:
- Strict prohibition of parking outside marked spaces.

- Prohibition of long-stay parking, i.e. over 72 hours.

These measures are dictated by the ever-more severe application of the Swiss Ordinance on Air Pollution Control (OAPC). They aim to curb nitrogen dioxide emissions in Lausanne and its surroundings by 2015, particularly by granting an increasingly limited number of parking places to citizens, companies, administrations and universities. Supporting measures will be offered through the UNIL-EPFL mobility plan that will be launched during the 2012-2013 academic year.