EPFL offers three new Masters

2021 EPFL / Alain Herzog - CC BY-SA 4.0
EPFL is introducing three new Master’s programs to widen the offer of the School’s cross-disciplinary study programs in basic sciences and engineering: the Master’s in Neuro-X, the Master’s in Quantum Science and Engineering and the Master’s in Statistics. Their doors will open to motivated students as of September 2022. The application process for all Master’s programs is open until April 15th
The three new Master’s programs are offered at the intersection between disciplines. This allows students with varied backgrounds in science and engineering to have the opportunity to acquire a comprehensive set of skills to work in the MedTech, pharma and health care sectors (Master’s in Neuro-X) or become the main actors of the “quantum revolution” (Master’s in Quantum Science and Engineering). The Master’s in Statistics aims to provide scientists with the expertise and crucial skills for sound reasoning in the data-rich world, making them sought-after statisticians and data analysts.
EPFL constantly adapts its education offer to the new developments in science and engineering, as well as to the evolution of our society, the emerging needs of its economy as well as its numerous challenges
The Master’s in Neuro-X
Engineers in Neuro-X build their expertise on science, technology and computation. Their multidisciplinary expertise complements the fundamental skills of engineers and medical-domain specialists by a strong technological component, making them not only highly demanded and valued professionals in neurotechnology, but also preparing them for research in neuroscience-related fields. The study program includes several projects in labs, thereby providing students with a practical dimension and real research experience.
Prof. Dimitri Van De Ville, the Master’s program director, foresees that graduates will have an interdisciplinary profile enabling them to see the big picture in terms of complex systems, combined with a realistic perspective on what it means to develop a product or engage into research. This will make them key actors able to interact with experts at the intersection of domains.
The Master’s in Quantum Science and Engineering
Quantum science and technology is bringing a paradigm shift in the way we treat, communicate, measure and compute data, affirms the Master’s program director Prof. Nicolas Macris. He adds that to address this new shift, EPFL aims to form quantum science engineers who, thanks to their multidisciplinary profile, are able to thrive at the forefront of this “new technological revolution” and to pursue a career in quantum science or in the information technology sector as well as in the industry at large.
The Master’s in Statistics
In a world that is increasingly data-driven, industry relies on statisticians and data analysts who are able to navigate the data flood. Statistical expertise is now essential in nearly all domains: economics, finance, government, science, health, and social sciences, and the list goes on. “With the Master’s in Statistics, EPFL aims to train students with a scientific/engineering background in cutting-edge statistical methodology, in order to develop a mastery of statistical thinking, visualization and computation, and data analysis” – so says Prof. Joachim Krieger, the director in charge of the program. Teamwork and communication skills are also important aspects that the program strengthens, in order to enable graduates to integrate and apply their skills in the manifold fields of application of statistics.
For more information, see https://www.epfl.ch/education/master/programs/