EPFL @ NeurIPS 2023

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NeurIPS © word document

54 EPFL papers have been accepted to this year conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). Congratulatations!
37th edition of NeurIPS will take e place in New Orleans, USA from December 10th to December 16th.

Below is a list of NeurIPS 2023 papers with at least one EPFL author:

  1. Exponential Lower Bounds for Fictitious Play in Potential Games by Ioannis Panageas, Nikolaos Patris, Stratis Skoulakis, Volkan Cevher
  2. Sample Complexity Bounds for Score-Matching: Causal Discovery and Generative Modeling by Zhenyu Zhu, Francesco Locatello, Volkan Cevher
  3. Initialization Matters: Privacy-Utility Analysis of Overparameterized Neural Networks by Jiayuan Ye, Zhenyu Zhu, Fanghui Liu, Reza Shokri, Volkan Cevher
  4. Maximum independent set: Self-training through dynamic programming by Lorenzo Brusca, Lars C.P.M. Quaedvlieg, Stratis Skoulakis, Grigorios Chrysos, Volkan Cevher
  5. Efficient Online Clustering with Moving Costs by Dimitris Christou, Stratis Skoulakis, Volkan Cevher (spotlight)
  6. Stable Nonconvex-Nonconcave Training via Linear Interpolation by Thomas Pethick, Wanyun Xie, Volkan Cevher (spotlight)
  7. On the Convergence of Shallow Transformers by Yongtao Wu, Fanghui Liu, Grigorios Chrysos, Volkan Cevher
  8. Alternation makes the adversary weaker in two-player games by Volkan Cevher, Ashok Cutkosky, Ali Kavis, Georgios Piliouras, Stratis Skoulakis, Luca Viano (spotlight)
  9. MultiModN- Multimodal, Multi-Task, Interpretable Modular Networks by Vinitra Swamy, Malika Satayeva, Jibril Frej, Thierry Bossy, Thijs Vogels, Martin Jaggi, Tanja Käser, Mary-Anne Hartley
  10. Revisiting evaluation metrics for semantic segmentation: Optimization and evaluation of fine-grained intersection over union by Z. Wang, M. Berman, A. Rannen-Triki, P. Torr, D. Tuia, T. Tuytelaars, L. Van Gool, J. Yu, and M. B. Blaschko
  11. Distributionally Robust Linear Quadratic Control by Bahar Taşkesen, Dan A. Iancu, Çağıl Koçyiğit & Daniel Kuhn (spotlight)
  12. Convergence of Gradient Descent with Linearly Correlated Noise and Applications to Differentially Private Learning by Anastasia Koloskova, Ryan McKenna, Zachary Charles, Keith Rush, Brendan McMahan
  13. Sharpness-Aware Minimization Leads to Low-Rank Features by Maksym Andriushchenko, Dara Bahri, Hossein Mobahi, Nicolas Flammarion
  14. Transferable Adversarial Robustness for Categorical Data via Universal Robust Embeddings by Klim Kireev, Maksym Andriushchenko, Carmela Troncoso, Nicolas Flammarion
  15. AmadeusGPT: a natural language interface for interactive animal behavioral analysis by Shaokai Ye, Jessy Lauer, Mu Zhou, Alexander Mathis, Mackenzie W. Mathis
  16. Robust Distributed Learning: Tight Error Bounds and Breakdown Point under Data Heterogeneity by Youssef Allouah, Rachid Guerraoui, Nirupam Gupta, Rafaël Pinot, Geovani Rizk (spotlight)
  17. GAUCHE: A Library for Gaussian Processes in Chemistry by Ryan-Rhys Griffiths, Leo Klarner, Henry Moss, Aditya Ravuri, Sang Truong, Yuanqi Du, Samuel Stanton, Gary Tom, Bojana Rankovic, Arian Jamasb, Aryan Deshwal, Julius Schwartz, Austin Tripp, Gregory Kell, Simon Frieder, Anthony Bourached, Alex Chan, Jacob Moss, Chengzhi Guo, Johannes Peter Dürholt, Saudamini Chaurasia, Ji Won Park, Felix Strieth-Kalthoff, Alpha Lee, Bingqing Cheng, Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Philippe Schwaller, Jian Tang
  18. Face Reconstruction from Facial Templates by Learning Latent Space of a Generator Network by Hatef Otroshi Shahreza, Sébastien Marcel
  19. RECKONING: Reasoning through Dynamic Knowledge Encoding by Zeming Chen, Gail Weiss, Eric Mitchell, Asli Celikyilmaz, Antoine Bosselut
  20. Latent Exploration for Reinforcement Learning by Alberto Silvio Chiappa, Alessandro Marin Vargas, Ann Zixiang Huang, Alexander Mathis
  21. Contextual Stochastic Bilevel Optimization by Yifan Hu, Jie Wang, Yao Xie, Andreas Krause, Daniel Kuhn
  22. Epidemic Learning: Boosting Decentralized Learning with Randomized Communication by Martijn de Vos, Sadegh Farhadkhani, Rachid Guerraoui, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Rafael Pires, Rishi Sharma
  23. The Pursuit of Human Labeling: A New Perspective on Unsupervised Learning by Artyom Gadetsky, Maria Brbic (spotlight)
  24. Collaborative Learning via Prediction Consensus by Dongyang Fan, Celestine Mendler-Dünner, Martin Jaggi
  25. 4M: Massively Multimodal Masked Modeling by David Mizrahi, Roman Bachmann, Oguzhan Fatih Kar, Teresa Yeo, Mingfei Gao, Afshin Dehghan, Amir Zamir (spotlight)
  26. ISP: Multi-Layered Garment Draping with Implicit Sewing Patterns by Ren Li, Benoit Guillard, and Pascal Fua
  27. Smooth, exact rotational symmetrization for deep learning on point clouds by Sergey Pozdnyakov, Michele Ceriotti
  28. Optimal Algorithms for the Inhomogeneous Spiked Wigner Model by Aleksandr Pak, Justin Ko, Florent Krzakala
  29. Universality laws for Gaussian mixtures in generalized linear models by Yatin Dandi, Ludovic Stephan, Florent Krzakala, Bruno Loureiro, Lenka Zdeborová
  30. High-dimensional Asymptotics of Denoising Autoencoders by Hugo Cui, Lenka Zdeborová (spotlight)
  31. (S)GD over Diagonal Linear Networks: Implicit bias, Large Stepsizes and Edge of Stability byMathieu Even, Scott Pesme, Suriya Gunasekar, Nicolas Flammarion
  32. Saddle-to-Saddle Dynamics in Diagonal Linear Networks by Scott Pesme, Nicolas Flammarion (spotlight)
  33. On the spectral bias of two-layer linear networks by Aditya Vardhan Varre, Maria-Luiza Vladarean, Loucas Pillaud-Vivien, Nicolas Flammarion
  34. Penalising the biases in norm regularisation enforces sparsity by Etienne Boursier, Nicolas Flammarion
  35. Can semi-supervised learning use all the data effectively? A lower bound perspective by Alexandru Tifrea, Gizem Yüce, Amartya Sanyal, Fanny Yang
  36. Task Arithmetic in the Tangent Space: Improved Editing of Pre-trained Models by Guillermo Ortiz-Jiménez, Alessandro Favero, Pascal Frossard (oral)
  37. Perceptual adjustment queries and an inverted measurement paradigm for low-rank metric learning by Austin Xu, Andrew McRae, Jingyan Wang, Mark A. Davenport, Ashwin Pananjady
  38. Leveraging the two timescale regime to demonstrate convergence of neural networks by Pierre Marion, Raphaël Berthier
  39. SMACv2: An Improved Benchmark for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning by Benjamin Ellis, Jonathan Cook, Skander Moalla, Mikayel Samvelyan, Mingfei Sun, Anuj Mahajan, Jakob N. Foerster, Shimon Whiteson
  40. Implicit Manifold Gaussian Process Regression by Bernardo Fichera, Viacheslav Borovitskiy, Andreas Krause, Aude Billard
  41. Imagine the Unseen World: A Systematic Visual Imagination Benchmark by Yeongbin Kim, Gautam Singh, Junyeong Park, Caglar Gulcehre, Sungjin Ahn
  42. Fast Attention Over Long Sequences With Dynamic Sparse Flash Attention by Matteo Pagliardini, Daniele Paliotta, Martin Jaggi, François Fleuret
  43. Multiplication-Free Transformer Training via Piecewise Affine Operations by Atli Kosson, Martin Jaggi
  44. Should Under-parameterized Student Networks Copy or Average Teacher Weights? by Berfin Şimşek, Amire Bendjeddou, Wulfram Gerstner, Johanni Brea
  45. Landmark Attention: Random-Access Infinite Context Length for Transformers by Amirkeivan Mohtashami, Martin Jaggi
  46. Zero-shot Causal Learning by Hamed Nilforoshan, Michael Moor, Yusuf Roohani, Yining Chen, Anja Šurina, Michihiro Yasunaga, Sara Oblak, Jure Leskovec (spotlight)
  47. Provable Advantage of Curriculum Learning on Parity Targets with Mixed Inputs by Emmanuel Abbe, Elisabetta Cornacchia, Aryo Lotfi
  48. A Cross-Moment Approach for Causal Effect Estimation by Yaroslav Kivva, Saber Salehkaleybar, Negar Kiyavash (spotlight)
  49. Trial matching: capturing variability with data-constrained spiking neural networks by Christos Sourmpis, Carl C. H. Petersen, Wulfram Gerstner, Guillaume Bellec
  50. Causal Effect Identification in Uncertain Causal Networks by Sina Akbari, Fateme Jamshidi, Ehsan Mokhtarian, Matthew Vowels, Jalal Etesami, Negar Kiyavash
  51. Causal Imitability Under Context-Specific Independence Relations by Fateme Jamshidi, Sina Akbari, Negar Kiyavash
  52. Exact recovery and Bregman hard clustering of node-attributed Stochastic Block Model by Maximilien Dreveton, Felipe Fernandes, Daniel Figueiredo
  53. Debiasing Conditional Stochastic Optimization by Lie He, Shiva Kasiviswanathan
  54. SimMMDG: A Simple and Effective Framework for Multi-modal Domain Generalization by Hao Dong, Ismail Nejjar, Han Sun, Eleni Chatzi, Olga Fink