EPFL Library services: impact of 2024 budget cuts

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In response to the budget cuts affecting the whole of EPF domain, EPFL Library was asked to reduce its global expenditures in 2024. This exercise was conducted with a view to limit the impact on the library services rendered to its community.
The main consequences of the budget cuts are described below.

1) Open Access support


2) Collections

  • New requests for subscription not considered for 2024.
  • Reduction of ebook purchases.
  • Termination of subscriptions to e-resources deemed too expensive in terms of cost per usage, as per usage data analysis. However, these subscriptions may be reconsidered depending on future budget availability.
    List of cancelled subscriptions for 2024
  • Cancellation of print versions of mathematical journals already available online, in alignment with the Library's e-only documentary policy. This decision was discussed with the Institute of Mathematics.
    List of concerned journals
  • Removal of the press titles available nearby Le Klee cafeteria, at Rolex Learning Center. Some titles are accessible through the online kiosk PressReader (on campus or via EPFL VPN).


3) Interlibrary loan (swisscovery network)

[ Update on February 1, 2024 ]

In alignment with the practices of swisscovery network libraries, EPFL Library made the decision to end free-of-charge interlibrary network loan for non-EPFL users. Since February 1, 2024, non-EPFL users are requested to pay for the delivery of any swisscovery document at the price of 8 CHF. The EPFL community and the UNIL Sciences criminelles community are not affected by this measure. Books owned by EPFL Library continue to be available free of charge to everyone.
swisscovery network pricing


The EPFL Library is conscious of the impact of such decisions on its community. With EPFL users’ needs in mind, we are prepared to assist you in navigating the changes ahead, and finding alternative solutions.

The Library team remains available to answer any question you may have.

Feel free to contact us:
Open Access support: [email protected]
Documentation access: [email protected]
General inquiries: [email protected]