EPFL Chemistry and Physics in 2018 Highly Cited Researchers list

© 2018 EPFL

© 2018 EPFL

Ten professors from EPFL’s School of Basic Sciences have been included in the Web of Science’s 2018 Highly Cited Researchers list.

Since 2014, Clarivate Analytics, has produced an annual Highly Cited Researchers list of scientists whose publications the previous 10 years contain a notable number of Highly Cited Papers. These are papers that have amassed sufficient citations to place them among the top 1% most cited for their year of publication in one or more of 21 main subject fields, the Essential Science Indicators (ESI).

The ESI forms a database of emerging science trends in various fields of research used by policymakers, government agencies, universities, corporations, recruiters, the press and others.

This year, the Highly Cited Researchers list includes 25 EPFL scientists, ten of which are Professors with the School of Basic Sciences – six from the Institute of Chemical Science and Engineering (ISIC) and four from the Institute of Physics (IPHYS):

Professors Graetzel and Nazeeruddin are also among scientists named in three different ESI fields (Chemistry, Materials Science, and Physics).

List of all EPFL Highly Cited Researchers

NCCR-MARVEL’s coverage


Clarivate Analytics is an independent analytics company that once formed the Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters. It currently maintains the Web of Science (WoS), a widely used online service that provides a comprehensive citation search for researchers across the world.