Energy tunnels: novelty in energy and building techniques

© 2020 EPFL
An article on the recent advances in energy tunnels has appeared in Haustech magazine, which references the latest developments and news in the energy and building technology sector in Switzerland.
An article on energy geostructures and more particularly on the latest developments concerning energy tunnels appeared in Haustech magazine. This specialist magazine references the latest developments and actualities in the energy and building technology sector in Switzerland.
Energy tunnels consist of using tunnels or other infrastructure (shallow or underground stations) in contact with the ground as a geothermal heat exchanger. The installation of geothermal heat exchanger tubes in the concrete walls of the structures makes it possible to naturally exploit the heat present in the ground, but also the residual heat of the air in the structure. This tunnel air heated to the rhythm of the passage of trains, metros and their braking before they come to a stop, constitutes another source of heat for this type of infrastructure. The Soil Mechanics Laboratory (LMS) has recently contributed to a better understanding and promotion of this phenomenon in a scientific publication published in the scientific journal Applied Thermal Engineering. These latest developments demonstrate the enormous potential of these infrastructures for the energy supply of the cities of tomorrow.