ENAC Interdisciplinary Cluster Grants: cinq nouveaux projets!
Cinq nouveaux projets ont été sélectionnés pour un financement dans le cadre du 3e appel à projet ENAC Interdisciplinary Cluster Grants.
We're pleased to announce that the following 5 Interdisciplinary Cluster Grants were selected for funding:
1. Intelligent systems for automated inspection of steel infrastructure - Alcherio Martinoli (DISAL / IIE) & Dimitrios Lignos (RESSLAB / IIC) - link
2.An open-source platform for geomechanical assessment of CO2 geological storage - Brice Lecampion (GEL / IIC) & Jean-François Molinari (LSMS / IIC) - link
3. Detecting critical events in a trustable way with explainable artificial intelligence - Devis Tuia /(ECEO / IIE) & Olga Fink (IMOS / IIC) - link
4.Enhancing Infrastructure resilience to flooding using afforestation: the case of Nouakchott city, Mauritania - Paolo Perona (PL LCH / IIC) & Charlotte Grossiord (PERL / IIE) - link
5.On-the-fly building reconfiguration for post-emergency recovery: collaborative human/robot decision-making and structural safety - Stefana Parascho (CRCL / IA) & Corentin Fivet (SXL / IA) - link
ENAC fosters interdisciplinary research
Since 2020, 3 calls for ENAC Interdisciplinary Cluster grants have been launched. We would like to thank everyone who sumbitted a proposal, i.e. 23 proposals, 35 different labs and 53 Principal Investigators. All 14 successful proposals, involving 23 different labs across the 3 ENAC Institutes (IIE, IIC, IA), can be found on our website.
A new internal call for proposals to further boost interdisciplinary research, was launched on 12 Sept. 2022 under the name "ENAC Flagsip projects", with a deadline for pre-proposal submission on 11.10.2022 (17:00 CET)! All information and Applicant Toolkit for this call can be found on this webpage.
Questions? Contact: [email protected]