EmbryoSpin is in top 5 at Venture2018 business ideas

© 2018 EPFL
Congratulations to Marco Grisi and Gaurasundor Marc Conley for their business idea "EmbryoSpin" in Venture 2018
The proof of concept and the business idea "EmbryoSpin" initiated by Marci Grissi is in top 5 at Venture2018 business ideas.
Venture is an initiative of the ETH Zürich, McKinsey & Company Switzerland, Knecht Holding, the innovation promotion agency Innosuisse, and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). The leading Swiss-wide startup competition supports young entrepreneurs in founding a company. Venture 2018 aims to get untapped innovation potential implemented by encouraging young entrepreneurs to develop a business idea into a startup company. A number of renowned companies from Swiss industry and commerce sponsor the competition.
EmbryoSpin is funded by BRIDGE, a joint programme conducted by the SNSF and Innosuisse – Swiss Innovation Agency