EESD visits area hit by the 2020 earthquakes in Croatia

© 2021 EESD, EPFL

© 2021 EESD, EPFL

EESD was invited by Professors Josip Atalić and Mario Uroš from the University of Zagreb to visit areas in Zagreb and Petrinja hit by earthquakes in 2020

EESD members, led by Prof. Katrin Beyer, visited several areas of Croatia affected by the earthquake events during 2020. The visit served for studying the effect of earthquakes on the built environment in general and for visiting those schools and churches in particular that are discussed by the advisory committee to the Croatian Minister of Culture and Media for the structural renovation of the architectural heritage in the areas affected by the earthquakes. EESD had been invited by the Minister of Culture and Media to join as one of two international groups this advisory committee. EESD is represented on the committee by Prof. Katrin Beyer, Dr. Savvas Saloustros, Igor Tomić and Ivana Božulić and supports the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media with the development of a framework for the post-earthquake assessment and reconstruction of cultural heritage buildings and churches. Apart from visiting damaged areas, ESSD members presented their ongoing research on the seismic assessment and analysis of masonry structures to the faculty members of the University of Zagreb, learnt of their ongoing research and established new collaborations between the two institutions.