Ecohydrology Summer School at EPFL Valais Wallis and ETH Zürich

© 2024 EPFL
We have just concluded the Ecohydrology Summer School, an intense and stimulating week between Zurich and Sion!
Last week the ETHZ-EPFL summer school "Ecohydrology - From Field Data to Process Modeling" took place between the ETH Hönggerberg campus in Zurich and the EPFL Alpine and Polar Environmental Research Centre (ALPOLE) in Sion.
Approximately 30 PhD and master students from more than 12 countries joined us for four intense days covering several topics in ecohydrological research. The first two days took place in Zurich, with lectures on water stable isotopes (Prof. J. Kirchner and Dr. M. Floriancic, ETHZ), ecosystem CO2 and water fluxes (Prof. N. Buchmann, ETHZ), and soil-plant hydraulics (Prof. A. Carminati, ETHZ) as well as a visit to the Waldlabor forest laboratory. The last two days, in Sion, were devoted to mathematical modeling of soil-plant-atmosphere dynamics, with lectures and tutorials on isotope fractionation (Prof. P. Benettin, UNIL), stochastic soil moisture dynamics (Prof. S. Bonetti, EPFL), and plot to catchment scale modeling with the T&C ecohydrological model (Prof. S. Fatichi, NUS and Prof. G. Manoli, EPFL).
A special thank to all the instructors for their participation, the organizing committee for their effort in making this happen, and all the students for their engagement and active participation!
Looking forward to the next edition!

EPFL – ETH Zürich student exchange programme