EAST show at the Biennale Svizzera del Territorio

© 2020 EPFL
The exhibition Rather Than - Sustainable action in the work of Studio EAST, part of the Swiss Biennal of the Territory can be visited until the 13th of November.
‘All roads lead to Rome’, so the proverb, but the path to reaching a goal is also defined by a set of decisions and choices between options. The exhibition Rather Than offers an insight into the research and working processes of Studio EAST – a design studio at the EPFL School of Architecture – by examining three built pavilions. Each pavilion is a hands-on pedagogical experiment where sustainable thinking, conventional wisdom and craftsmanship overlap. At EAST, learning is a continuous process that unfolds into a topological landscape of links and relations. Anchored in local dynamics, each project sets a specific frame of research with which to test tools and actions. Tackling reuse strategies inevitably involves questioning the way architecture operates. From tangible materials to theoretical knowledge, from education and professional practice to historical references, reuse is a culturally embedded verb capable of changing the current architectural mindset and having a meaningful impact on new ways of making.
i2a, the Swiss Biennale of Territory, returns to Lugano for its third edition on 1–3 October. This year’s event, which brings together scientists, urban planners, architects and landscape designers, focuses on the theme of reuse and will feature keynote speeches, exhibitions, screenings and guided tours of the city.
The exhibition “Rather Than – Sustainable design principles in the work of Studio EAST” opens at 6:30pm on 2 October and it will be on display until the 13th of November.
For more information and to register, visit: www.biennale.i2a.ch