Durabilis Award for a Master Project carried out at LAST

Rendering © Pascal David Müller, 2013
David Pascal Müller's Master Project, carried out at the Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies (LAST), has been honored by the 2013 Durabilis Award. This distinction, awarded jointly by the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), rewards students' projects presenting an exemplary approach of sustainable issues. As part of a research for alternatives to urban sprawl, the approach focused on the design of a new type of Alpine bioclimatic habitat and its application in a proposed new district in Château d'Oex (Switzerland).
In the current context of questioning urban sprawl and inefficient resource management, the evolution of the built environment in alpine resorts is a complex challenge. Faced with the many questions raised by the limitations of current practices, the Master work of David Pascal Müller proposes a new form of housing, whose original design simultaneously integrates environmental, sociocultural and economic criteria.
"Starting from a very broad questioning on the sustainability of the alpine way of life, this work provides a new program aimed at simplicity and minimization of impacts. This program is shown in the form of a housing project with very low environmental impact, affordable and favorable to social development" underlined the jury at the ceremony of awards.
The supervision group who followed this Master Project was constituted of Prof. Emmanuel Rey (supervisor), Prof. Marilyne Andersen (responsible for the theoretical part), Nicolas Strambini (teaching assistant) and Cristina Woods (expert).
Pascal David Müller, "Habitat bioclimatique alpin", Master's project in architecture, 2013