Dronistics was presented at Drone Innovators Network, Zurich

© Keystone / Walter Bieri
Drone Innovators Network, Zurich
The EPFL's last-centimeter delivery drone called PackDrone was demonstrated at the Drone Innovators Network Day on June 27th, 2018, in Zurich with Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard.
The PackDrone (in the photo) is a safe personal drone for last-centimeter delivery. The drone consists of a quadcopter configuration integrated into a foldable protective cage. This cage provides an all-round protective structure that physically separates the propellers from the environment, ensuring the safety of people. The PackDrone can be easily folded with a single movement, significantly reducing its size for ease of storage and transportation. The storage volume is reduced by 92% when folded and the drone can carry parcels up to 500 g. The drone was developed in Laboratory of Intelligent Systems of EPFL and will be commercialized by a new EPFL's start-up Dronistics.
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