Distinguished Lecture by Prof Laloui at Northwestern University

© 2019 LMS EPFL
Prof. Lyesse Laloui honored as a distinguished lecturer at the Northwestern Sustainability Summit on “Earth-Human Interactions: Sustainability and Development”, April 8th 2020.
The Northwestern Sustainability Lecture Series is a summit at Northwestern University wherein world-renowned experts discuss “Earth-Human Interactions: Sustainability and Development.” In this event, six Northwestern Sustainability Lecturers are selected to talk about critical challenges and advances related to energy, climate and the environment, and urban transformations, as well as to be recognized for their prominent contributions in these fields.
The summit addresses the analysis of questions, problems and solutions that result from human interactions with the Earth both above and below the surface. It aims at expanding the educational and cultural experience of a large audience, targeting academicians while also involving the industry and other stakeholders. The ultimate goal of this summit is to inform and inspire present and future leaders while recognizing excellence across the fields of applied sciences and engineering, physical sciences, social sciences and architecture.
It is in this context that Prof. Lyesse Laloui has been chosen as one of the six Northwestern Sustainability Lecturers, focusing on Energy with his session entitled “Earth-Human Interactions: Sustainability and Development”, taking place on April 8th 2020.