Daylight glare study across four continents gets Leon Gaster award

© 2020 EPFL
Jan Wienold (LIPID) wins the Leon Gaster award for his article "Cross-validation and robustness of daylight glare metrics", published in the esteemed journal Lighting Research and Technology in 2019.
This ambitious cross-validation study is the outcome of a collaboration involving altogether 13 authors from seven research groups and experimental data were collected in six different countries (Argentina, Germany, Denmark, Israel, Japan and USA). The authors evaluated the performance and robustness of twenty-two established and newly proposed daylight glare prediction models. Experimental datasets of daylight-dominated workplaces in office-like test rooms were collected from six different studies. The variability in experimental setups, geographical location and research teams allowed a reliable evaluation of the performance and robustness of glare models for daylight-dominated workplaces. The outcomes of this work form the basis for further investigations conducted at the LIPID lab regarding the improvement of prediction models to support the emergence of more comfortable and sustainable buildings.
The Leon Gaster award is granted every year to the best paper on applied lighting research published in the journal Lighting Research and Technology.