CQSL at the APS March Meeting 2021

© 2021 American Physical Society
The Computational Quantum Science Lab will be present at the virtual edition of the 2021 APS March Meeting, with about 8 contributed talks and 2 invited seminars.
The Computational Quantum Science Lab will be present at the virtual edition of the 2021 APS March Meeting. We will have about 10 presentations, and 2 invited talks. Here is a schedule of CQSL's talks (all times are CDT).
Abstract: Y09.00004 : Classical simulation of quantum circuits with neural-network states. Invited Talk by Giuseppe Carleo.
Abstract: A21.00007 : Hamiltonian reconstruction as metric for a variational study of the spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg model. Presented by Kevin Zhang, Cornell University, work done in collaboration with Giuseppe Carleo.
Abstract: A21.00009 : Challenges for simulating quantum spin dynamics in two dimensions by neural network quantum states. Presented by Damian Hofmann, Max Planck Institute, work done in collaboration with Giuseppe Carleo
Abstract: A21.00010 : Gauge equivariant neural networks for quantum lattice gauge theories. Presented by Di Luo, University of Illinois, work done in collaboration with Giuseppe Carleo
Abstract: E21.00008 : Fermionic lattice models with first-quantized deep neural-network quantum states. Presented by Javier Robledo Moreno, New York University, in collaboration with Giuseppe Carleo
Abstract: F21.00010 : High-Order Renormalized Perturbative Approach for Strongly-Correlated Fermions. Invited talk by Riccardo Rossi
Abstract: M44.00001 : Simultaneous signatures of quantum spin liquid and broken symmetry in the Heisenberg spin-1/2 pyrochlore lattice. Presented by Nikita Astrakhantsev, University of Zurich, in collaboration with Giuseppe Carleo
Abstract: X32.00005 : Classical variational simulation of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm. Presented by Matija Medvidović, Columbia University, in collaboration with Giuseppe Carleo