Congratulations to Laia for her JACS paper!

© 2022 EPFL

© 2022 EPFL

How to tune the morphology and elemental distribution of CuIn nanocrystals, which are important for their catalytic properties?

The compositional and structural diversity of bimetallic nanocrystals (NCs) provides a superior tunability of their physico-chemical properties, making them attractive for a variety of applications, including sensing and catalysis. Nevertheless, the manipulation of the properties-determining features of bimetallic NCs still remains a challenge, especially when moving away from noble metals. In this work, we explore the galvanic replacement reaction (GRR) of In NCs and a copper molecular precursor to obtain Cu-In bimetallic NCs with an unprecedented variety of morphologies and elemental distributions. We demonstrate the utility of these newly synthesized structures as well-defined model catalysts to provide more insights into the Cu-In behavior in CO2RR.Read more here!


Swiss National Science Foundation