Congratulation to Anna Mei for her Master Thesis
Anna Mei has successfully completed her Master Thesis at the University of Heidelberg. Her aim was to establish a high-throughput interaction platform utilizing droplet microfluidics. The practical part of her work was done at LBMM.
High-throughput screening (HTS) is characterized by the screening of large chemical or biological libraries to study functional and binding activity of the molecules of interests. HTS can be applied in various biological fields, including interactome studies. Despite the relentless efforts to increase the throughput and the growing library sizes of proteins of interest, a convenient high-throughput interaction platform capable of creating a comprehensive interaction network between highly diverse molecules of interest is still lacking.
In her Master thesis, Anna Mei aimed to establish a high-throughput interaction platform utilizing droplet microfluidics. This new platform would enable the generation of a global interaction network of interaction pairs and overcome the limitation of screening only a small target size. Such a technology would not be restricted to protein-protein interaction studies, but could also be applied to improve the discovery of global interactions in the field of proteomics, epigenomics and genomics.