Congrats to PhD student Simon for publication of his main thesis work

© 2024 EPFL

© 2024 EPFL

Our work on 'Interactions between pili affect the outcome of bacterial competition driven by the type VI secretion system published' in Current Biology

Our work on 'Interactions between pili affect the outcome of bacterial competition driven by the type VI secretion system' was published on May 14th in Current Biology with PhD student Simon Otto serving as 1st author. Congrats Simon!!

Thanks also to our collaborators Richard Servajean & Anne-Florence Bitbol for their modeling input, which truly enriched the study, and Alexandre Lemopoulos for bioinformatic analyses.


Swiss National Science Foundation (310030_185022) to M.B.

European Research Council (724630) to M.B.

International Research Scholarship by HHMI (55008726)  to M.B.

European Research Council (851173) to A.-F.B.


Otto et al., Interactions between pili affect the outcome of bacterial competition driven by the type VI secretion sys- tem, Current Biology (2024),