Congrats to Dr. Jatin Panwar for the eSeed award!

© 2021 EPFL LBMM

© 2021 EPFL LBMM

Dr. Jatin Panwar and Prof. Christoph Merten of LBMM in association with Till Ryser and Prof. Carlotta Guiducci of CLSI recently received the eSeed award for their proposal to develop an integrated microfluidics platform capable of deterministic encapsulation of cells in droplets for high-throughput biomedical screens.

The eSeed project offers the opportunity to develop new projects between the laboratories of the School of Engineering through the award of a grant. This new initiative, which is internal to the faculty and complementary to the other EPFL initiatives for interdisciplinary research, aims to support the initial phase of new collaborative projects that are ambitious, high-risk and have a significant societal impact.