Congrats to Dr. Dario Rodighiero
DHI and the DHLAB are happy to congratulate Dario Rodighiero for passing his PhD. After passing the private defense, Dario presented publicly on Friday 26 January 2018 the results of his thesis, titled “Mapping affinities: visualizing academic practice through collaboration.”
Over these years, Dario created a visual metrics based on current collaboration and potential affinities that exist between scholars. This metric has been incorporated into a data visualization, called Affinity Map. The public version of the Affinity Map presents a double level of scholars and laboratories of the ENAC school, arranged according their affinities. Furthermore, the map features a semantic layer that illustrates the research subjects between laboratories. The result is a tool addressed to ENAC members in order to reflect on their own situation and foster their further interdisciplinarity.
For further information about the Affinity Map you can look at:
- Mapping Affinities in Academic Organizations, peer-reviewed article on Frontiers Journal
- Mapping affinities: visualizing academic practice through collaboration PhD thesis on EPFL Infoscience