Collaborative study with the Jinek lab published in Science

© 2024 EPFL
Our collaborative work with the Jinek lab on the DdmDE plasmid defense system was published yesterday.
Congrats to David, Sandrine, Laurie & Melanie on their co-authorship on the work
Molecular mechanism of plasmid elimination by the DdmDE defense system
published on June 13th in the journal Science.
This was a fun collaboration spearheaded by Luuk Loeff in the Jinek lab at University of Zurich.
European Research Council Consolidator Grant 820152 (MJ)
European Research Council Consolidator Grant 724630 (MB)
HHMI International Scholarship 55008735 (MJ)
HHMI International Scholarship 55008726 (MB)
Loeff L., Adams D.W., Chanez C., Stutzmann S., Righi L., Blokesch M., Jinek M. (2024) Molecular mechanism of plasmid elimination by the DdmDE defense system. Science, first release publication - June 13th 2024; (preprinted on bioRxiv