CNP members win the Silver prize at the 2020 BCI award
A new brain-spine interface used for gait and balance restoration in a primate model of Parkinson disease homes the Silver medal of the BCI Annual award 2020
A research consortium led by Grégoire Courtine (G-Lab and NeuroRestore), Jocelyne Bloch (CHUV and NeuroRestore) and Erwan Bezard (IMN, France) in collaboration with Stéphanie Lacour (LSBI), Silvestro Micera (TNE) and international collaborators, has refined a previously developed brain-spine interface and used it in a primate model of Parkinson Disease for gait and balance restoration. They indeed showed that their new BSI shows even improved results when used in combination with deep brain stimulation (DBS) to achieve both attention readiness and locomotor performance improvements.
This outstanding study has homed the second prize at the highly praised BCI annual award, a recognition given by the BCI award foundation and sponsored by G.Tec, IEEE Brain, the BCI society, and Corted.
Congratulations to the whole team!
This study was conducted in collaboration with colleagues from CHUV (CH), University of Geneva (CH), Beijing University (China), Motac Neuroscience (GB), Brown University (USA), Baylor College of Medicine (USA), University of Bordeaux and CNRS (France), and Oxford University (GB).