Climate Change on the agenda in San Francisco

© 2011 EPFL

© 2011 EPFL

Dr. Melton and Professor Kaplan's work on climate change using a combined biophysical modelling, social science, and community engagement approach will be presented at the December meeting.

ARVE Group's Dr. Joe Melton will be presenting results for the Climate Change Adaptation Planning For Northwest Skeena Communities project at the upcoming American Geophysical Union 2011 Fall meeting in San Francisco, USA. Dr. Melton and Professor Kaplan's contribution will be part of the session 'PA22A. Climate Change Science for Communities and Institutions II' December 6th 11:25 AM - 11:40 AM

Climate change adaptation planning for the Skeena region of British Columbia, Canada: A combined biophysical modelling, social science, and community engagement approach (PA22A-05.)
Joe R. Melton; Jed O. Kaplan; Ralph Matthews; Robin Sydneysmith; Jordan Tesluk; Georgia Piggot; Donald C. Robinson; Dirk Brinkman; Dave Marmorek; Stewart Cohen; Katie McPherson

Additionally, community meetings will be held December 5th - 9th in the communities of Terrace, Prince Rupert and Lax Kw'alaams, British Columbia, Canada to present the results of their biophysical modelling and to engage the communities in discussions around future climate change adaptation measures.

caption1: LPJ-GUESS simulated historical and future changes to local vegetation under projected climate change (SRES A2 scenario).
caption2: Projected changes in winter precipitation for the Northwest Skeena region under different possible SRES emissions scenarios.

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