Clearing the Clouds.

© turtlemom4bacon

© turtlemom4bacon

Clearing the Clouds: A Study of Emerging Workloads on Modern Hardware.

The emergence of global-scale online services has galvanized scale-out software, characterized by splitting vast datasets and massive computation across many independent servers. In a paper appearing in ASPLOS 2012, Profs. Ailamaki (DIAS - Data-Intensive Applications and Systems Laboratory) and Falsafi (PARSA - Parallel Systems Architecture Laboratory) and their teams identify the inefficiencies in modern server processors and memory system when running emerging scale-out workloads (e.g., analytics, data serving, debugging as a service, video streaming and web) and advocate server chip architectures and hardware mechanisms that maximize silicon efficiency for these workloads. For more information see, Clearing the Clouds: A Study of Emerging Workloads on Modern Hardware by Ferdman et al., available as an EPFL Tech. Report.

EcoCloud: research center targeting energy-efficient and environmentally friendly cloud techonologies.